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The Al and Leon Shim Sham

8 Clips 1 min read  

This is the variation on the Shim Sham popularized by Al Minns and Leon James.

There’s a good summary of this version from Cari


Al and Leon's Shim Sham - YouTube Video

YouTube - YouTube Video

Al & Leon Shim Sham - YouTube Video

October 2012 — Level 4 Lindy — Week 2 - YouTube Video

WNH – December 2018 Social Dancers Week 2 - YouTube Video

WNH – May 2016 Elective – Al & Leon Shim Sham - YouTube Playlist

This is the playlist for learning the Al and Leon Shim Sham as tought at Wednesday Night Hop in 2016.

Teachers: Cari Westbrook and Hannah Howard

Kevin and Jo Shim Sham - YouTube Video

Al and Leon's Shim Sham Part 1 - YouTube Video