This is a page about Routines.

The Al and Leon Shim Sham
This is the variation on the Shim Sham popularized by Al Minns and Leon James. There’s a good summary of...

The Big Apple
This is the The Big Apple The choreography came from the Keep Punching movie There’s a bunch of material on...

California Routine
This is the California Routine There’s a good history of this routine at Swungover Choreographied by Frankie Manning Lindy Hop...

The Dean Colins Shim Sham
This is the Dean Colins Shim Sham This version was popularized by Dean Colins following his own personal style. Notes...

Doin The Jive
This routine was choreographed by Kelly Porter, Joshua Welter and Michael Faltesek to the Careless Lovers version of the song...

First Stops
The First Stops routine was an early routine created at the Savoy Ballroom as an ensamble routine. You an read...

The Frankie Doo
The Franie Doo is a variation on the Tranky Doo created by Frankie Manning It’s an evolution of the Tranky...

Mama's Stew
Mama’s Stew There great background from Mikey Pedroza

Second Stops Routine
The Second Stops Routine was another routine created at the Savoy Ballroom. It is second following what became called the...

The Shim Sham
This is the Shim Sham Choreographed by Willie Bryant and Leonard Reed This version was popularized by Frankie Manning. It’s...

The St. Louis Shim Sham
A routine choreographed by Jon Tigert while he was visiting St. Louis. Music: Murder He Said by The Four Vagabonds...

Stompology Stomp-Off
A routine created for Stompology an annual event in Rochester New York focused on solo jazz. This version was created...

The Tranky Doo
The Tranky Doo An early lindy hop routine which can be seen in the Spirit Moves Wikipedia There’s a brief...

The Trickeration
The Trickeration A routine choreographed by Norma Miller. It’s been a common but challenging routine for lindy hoppers world wide....