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Dawn Hampton

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Dawn Hampton in Herrang 1990s - YouTube Video

Lindyhop/ Tap - Frankie Manning, Dawn Hampton and Chazz Young @ Wild Week 1995 - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton on Dancing - YouTube Video

WNH - Hoppin' At The Savoy - An Evening With Dawn Hampton - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton interview, Herräng Dance Camp, July 2011 - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton at Lindyfest 2012 - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton with John Dokes - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton's lesson - YouTube Video

Jonathon Bixby & Dawn Hampton - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton 70th Birthday Dance - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton Swing Dancing in NYC - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton (1928–2016): jazz dancing - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton dances with Adam HDC 2015 - YouTube Video

Instructor Jam - Frankie Manning and Dawn Hampton - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton speaks about Music, being yourself Switch dancing, ELEF, and the LGBTQAI+ community - YouTube Video

Dawn Hampton One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show - YouTube Video

Life Is What You Make It - Dawn Hampton - YouTube Video

Frankie Manning and Dawn Hampton :: Lindyfest 2008 - YouTube Video